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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Stumble on this Travel Around the World Couple......

60岁夫妇3年环游地球 英语水平仅小学二年级
在很多人看来,63岁的张广柱和60岁的王钟津就像是从“城堡里走出来的童话人物”。这没什么好奇怪的,因为在过去的3年里,这对老夫妻已经完成了 在世界七大洲的旅行,包括南极。除了装满砖头般旅行指南书和衣物的65升大背包,陪伴着他们一路行走的只有一口极不流利的简单英文,和对整个世界的好奇。
在南非,他们发现狒狒喜欢吃灌木丛里的花,随即告诉网友:“我大吃一惊,一直以为狒狒应该生活在森林里,错误哦!”刚到冰天雪地的南极,王钟津就兴 奋地在地球另一端发帖:“我们在南极发癫呐!”当他们在一个清晨抵达位于阿根廷与巴西边界的伊瓜苏大瀑布时,干脆引用了一个新加坡“驴友”的玩笑:和这里 相比,“美国、加拿大的瀑布简直就像厕所马桶里的水”。
但这并不影响忠实粉丝们将花甲背包客的生活定义为“童话”。在现实世界里,“童话”直接改变了很多人。一对英语很烂的年轻夫妻终于下定决心,去美国 自驾游;一个广州女孩开始为退休的妈妈存储旅行基金,鼓励她和姐妹们去旅行;一个刚刚结婚的姑娘找到了60岁后的人生方向,“坚决不带孙子,有钱就去享 受”。




今年春节过后,2月17日,他们又出发了。这一次,他们购买了可在全球15个城市经停的环球机票,前往南极、南北美和澳大利亚。这种廉价的环球套票 要求乘客必须在地球上沿着同一个方向飞行,于是整个旅程变得折腾极了。他们一路“自西向东”,离开南非开普敦后,为了到达同在南半球的布宜诺斯艾里斯,不 得不取道北半球的迪拜、纽约,最终在36个小时后到达目的地。为了迁就廉价机票,他们在旅途中总共6次穿越赤道。
尽管被告知不能惊动企鹅,必须与它们保持适当的安全距离——起码5米,可当两人终于走上这片冰雪大陆时,却发现只要蹲下身子,红嘴的企鹅就会好奇地 走过来,拜访一下初次到访的新朋友。为了和企鹅兄弟们“打成一片”,张广柱童心大发,干脆蹲下身子,模仿着小企鹅,身子前倾,双臂向后展开。
在巴西潘塔纳湿地,他们意外发现前去旅游的德国女孩和当地的帅小伙开始了一段罗曼史。他们和一个哥伦比亚人讨论探戈的起源。他们结交的南非小旅馆老 板,是一个养着许多只猫的女动物学家。到达秘鲁时,当地正值雨季,马路都被淹没了,一个移民官就穿着雨靴站在一片汪洋中为游客办理签证。
旅行中的大多数时候,他们的饭菜都从简从快。自北美游开始,王钟津几年前买的白色塑料外壳小锅,就成了最大功臣。她本想在市场上买个烧水壶,可看见 这只敞口插电水壶就像个茶缸,想到还能在里面煮鸡蛋,老太太毫不犹豫就“入手”了。2009年准备行装时,他们把这只当时已经4岁的小锅郑重其事地装进背 包。


临行前,他们甚至写好了遗嘱。在这份如今已经被正式封存的书面文件里,这对父母告诉女儿:“如果我们失踪了,不要来找我们。”说到这时,在一档电视 节目里,王钟津脸上一直带着的笑容慢慢消散了,“在寻找的过程中,她会更难受,所以就让我们俩人安安静静的,她也安安静静的……”




他们只是普通的老人,靠着退休金生活,刚刚过去的环球旅行,花掉了他们积蓄的一部分,“一辆宝马车的钱”。但他们坚持“不做房奴,不做车奴,不做孩 奴,不把自己绑在孩子小家庭的车轮上”。他们甚至想好了,如果将来旅行的钱不够,会考虑卖掉自己的房子。“不过,现在我们还不用卖掉一个厕所。”王钟津笑 着说。

Friday, 18 November 2011

Nepal Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek

Just to Share something from my  in-box from Shangrila Adventure
 Nepal Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trek

PHYSICAL GRADING – 4-5/5 (Strenuous-Very Strenuous)
This itinerary is an 7-day extension to our Poon Hill trek. Annapurna Base Camp, or commonly known as Nepal ABC Trek, is along the same trek towards Ghorepani, the last village just before the summit trek to Poon Hill. Trekkers who are in good fitness and have extra time can continue the trek to Machhapuchhre Base Camp (MBC, 3820m) or ABC 4130m. Himalayas, home to the highest mountain in the world and many other 8000ers giants divides Nepal and Tibet and stretches some 2400km. Nepal has several national parks, such the popular Sagarmatha and Annapurna Conservation Area.
One of the shortest trekking routes in Nepal. Yet, you get to see spectacular snow-capped mountains, including a higher than 8000m peak. It is very suitable to those who are relatively new to trekking, and those who wants to see the best sights within a short time.
Our key differences from the others are that we added in Bhaktapur and Chitwan Wildlife Safari to complete the whole experience. In addition, we are using 3-star hotels while in Kathmandu and Pokhara, already inclusive in our costs. With our special customized programs and very competitive pricing that are designed to bring outdoor to the average urbanites, we are confident that you will get to enjoy outdoors in this beautiful Himalayan country.
Bhaktapur, ancient cultural centre UNESCO site
Pokhara Phewa Lake
Sunrise at Poon Hill 3210m
Trek to Machhapuchare Nase Camp 3820m (commonly known as fish-tail peak) – 6991m & Annapurna Base Camp 4130m
Dhaulagiri – 8167m, 7th highest mountain in the world
Annapurna South – 7219m
Wildlife safari, Chitwan Royal National Park
Optional: Paragliding & boat-rowing
LEVEL : Difficult (for experienced and/or fit adventurers)
DURATION : 18 days
PRICE : From USD1,020
Day01: Arrive Nepal Kathmandu/Bhaktapur
Upon arrival to Nepal, pickup from airport and transfer to Bhaktapur, the city of culture and designated as a UNESCO heritage site, about 45min from Kathmandu.
Overnight in Bhaktapur (3-star hotel) Day02: Bhaktapur / 3hrs white-water rafting (only May-Nov) / Pokhara
Free and easy in the morning at Bhaktapur. After lunch, drive to Pokhara, about 190km west of Kathmandu. Along the way experience a 3hrs white-water rafting. We will replace this with boating at Phewa Lake in Pokhara between Nov-Apr.
Overnight in Pokhara (3-star hotel)
Day03: Pokhara / Nayapul / Ulleri (trek 6hrs)
Start trekking today! Drive from Pokhara to Nayapul to start your trek up the mountain. There are 2 routes up to Ghorepani, but we have chosen the easier way for uphill, and the tougher longer one for return journey so that you will make a loop. It is tougher today as you make your way up the mountain, but you should be able to reach in the late afternoon.
Overnight in Ulleri (guesthouse)
Day04: Ulleri / Ghorepani (trek 4hrs)
Continue the uphill trek up to Ghorepani, mostly consisting of steps and you should arrive at Ghorepani for lunch. Here, you can enjoy the magnificent view of the snow mountain ranges.
Overnight in Ghorepani (guesthouse)
Day05: Ghorepani / Poon Hill / Tadapani (trek 6-7hrs)
Rise and shine at 4am to trek the 1hr trail up to Poon Hill for a spectacular sunrise, with clear view of fish-tail peak, Annapurna south and Dhaulagiri. Return back to Ghorepani via the same trail to your guesthouse. After breakfast, start trekking to Tadapani. It is steep uphill climb on steps all the way to Tadapani, ascending about 700m over 4hrs.
Overnight in Tadapani (guesthouse)
Day06: Tadapani/ Gurjung / Chhomrong (trek 5-6hrs)
Overnight in Chhomrong (guesthouse)
Day07: Chhomrong / Bamboo / Dovan (trek 5-6hrs)
Overnight in Dovan (guesthouse)
Day08: Dovan / Himalaya / Deurali / MBC or ABC (MBC-trek 6hrs, ABC-trek 8hrs)
Overnight in MBC or ABC (guesthouse)
Day09: MBC or ABC / Bamboo (trek 6-8hrs) (or Dovan)
Overnight in Bamboo (guesthouse)
Day10: Bamboo (or Dovan) / Chhomrong (trek 3-4hrs)
Overnight in Chhomrong (guesthouse)
Day11: Chhomrong / Ghandruk (trek 5-6hrs)
Overnight in Ghandruk (guesthouse)
Day12: Ghandruk / Nayapul / Pokhara (trek 3-4hrs)
Continue downhill trek back to Nayapul, drive back to Pokhara in your private vehicle.
Overnight in Pokhara (3-star hotel)
Day13: Pokhara – rest and recover
After 4 days of trekking, it is time for rest and recovery in the quiet and comfortable town of Pokhara. Free and easy to explore this town.
Day14: Pokhara / Chitwan
Rise and shine in the morning and drive to Chitwan, the Royal Wildlife National Park.
Overnight in Chitwan (resort hotel)
Day15: Chitwan
Drive to Chitwan for your wildlife safari experience, starting with an elephant ride through the jungle to see wild animals such as rhinos, crocodiles, deer, and many others.
Overnight in Chitwan (resort hotel)
Day16: Chitwan / Kathmandu
Rise and shine for early breakfast before going for your morning river cruise and bird-watching. Remember to bring your binoculars! In the late morning, transfer in your private vehicle back to Kathmandu.
Overnight in Thamel Kathmandu (3-star hotel)
Day17: Kathmandu – Free & easy
Roam the streets in Thamel to pick up some of the many handicrafts and souvenirs, and visit Monkey temple, Dhubar squares
Overnight in Thamel (hotel)
Day18: Depart Kathmandu
Airport send-off for departure

Friday, 23 September 2011

360 degress view from Everest



This fullscreen panorama was published in connection with the 50 year anniversary in May 2003, for the first who reached the top of Everest.
50 years ago May 29 1953 The top of Mount Everest was reached for the first time by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay.
Since then 1.200-1.500 has climbed the top. Nobody knows the exact number. More than 140 climbers died on the way.

On May 24, 1989 the Australian photographer and mountaineer Roderick Mackenzie reached the summit. He was no 271 since 1953
He made which as far as I know is the only 360 degree panorama From the top.
Roderick Mackenzie made the image at the top of Mount Everest May 24 1989. Below is in his own words his feelings of the event.

It is from a book titled Everest Reflections From The Top by Christine Gee & Garry Weare which just been published. It contains contributions from many of the climbers who have reached the top during the last 50 years.
Why did I climb Everest?
I have a theory that people climb for the smell of it. Air at very high altitude smells completely different to lower altitudes. People become addicted to this smell and need more and more to get less and less of it. This is what makes them get higher.

What did I think of on the summit?
When I reached the south summit I was suffering from a lack of Spanish Olives. I was most preoccupied with thoughts of the tin of olives sitting in my tent at base camp. The preoccupation was the result of a very intense dream about olives which was interrupted by the alarm summoning me to our summit attempt. When I reached the south summit the view to the main summit interested me from a mountaineering point of view and all dreamings of olives were banished from my head.

On the summit I felt a mixture of apprehension and curiosity. Our only comments to each other after initial congratulations were about the fact that the summit is precisely half way. It seemed to me that the curvature of the earth was apparent, and I spent some time trying to think of a means to test if this was a real observation or an illusion. In the end I decided it was an illusion, but it was a strong illusion. Overall my main feeling was of surprise. I am often surprised by the situations that I find myself in.

My work in India has been eased slightly by my ascent of Everest. Many people on the subcontinent believe that an ascent of Everest conveys to the climber some manner of greater wisdom in manifold subjects. This I can not agree with, but I never dispute it.

Roderick Mackenzie

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Sharing an " Ulu Sepat" experience by our "Soul Bro" - Chee Eng Hooi


(Ulu Sepat – Gerik, Perak- 25th – 29th August 2011)

Its being a week since I came back and is still suffering with itch from sand flies bites. This is the
first time I have been to the jungle that is infested with such flies. Usually we find mosquitoes
and generally they are only around in the evening and once darkness falls, they will all disappear
but not sand flies, they will hang around. The more you scratch the bite marks, the more the itch

My friends reminded me that we are still in the 7th month (ghost festival month) and indirectly
hinted that is unwise to go anywhere unusual. I thought it was rather inconsiderate of him to
impose his superstitious fear on me but then again he could be concerned for my well being in
his own way. I have always been doing things I need and want to do whenever and not really a
superstitious type even though I respected the so call special month. So what the heck, we got
to do what we gotta to do.

Once again, gear and equipment is brought out and this time we needed to borrow a tent from
my ex hiking buddy, Gan, as we have 5 persons going and I have a 4 man tent. Gan had a 2 man
Coleman tent that is just right so that we can split to 2 groups of 3 & 2 and we would have space
to turn in the tent. My team consists of my brother, Eng Pow, My son, Kishen & his varsity mate,
Frank and my golf buddy, Wun. We don’t need to do any shopping as my supplies of NZ army
ration are enough for all of us.

We left Melaka on Thursday, 25th August in the morning to Kampar to pick up Kishen & Frank
and was expected to reach Grik by late evening. Weather was bad and it practically rain the
whole way till Gerik, approx. 500km. The plan was to meet up on Friday @ 6am beside the Gerik
Police Station as the starting point. We checked into a hotel and distributed the food ration
between ourselves and went to look for a Chinese restaurant for dinner.

Morning call was set up at 5.30am and after some hurried breakfast at a nearby stall we headed
to the starting point and saw the rest of the team already assembled. We are joining the hike
that is organized by a company called Wild Junction and various groups have signed up and the
total number of 21 persons is going including 3 guilds. Chief Guild, Hari gave a morning briefing
and introduced to us the specialized guild for this particular trip, Poncho. Poncho briefed us
about the timing, difficulties and the danger to expect about this mountain. By 7am, 3 vans
came and we loaded our bags and headed to ward Temenggor Dam, an hour drive away. Upon
reaching the dam, while waiting for the boat we had an introduction session to know one
another better. I was the first to introduce myself and as I finished a guy at the back shouted out;
“I know your artist brother” In the middle of nowhere a stranger suddenly called out and said he
knew my brother caught me by surprised. I found out later he is from Penang and had sat beside
my brother during one of the dinner he attended and has talked about hiking and he, Peter told
him he is going to Ulu Sepat and my brother, Eng Hong told him we are also going to the same
place and at the same date. What a coincidence.

We boarded 2 boats for an hour boat ride to an orang asli camp, then another hour ride on a 4
wheel drive. The vehicle deposited us at the end of the trail and henceforth it is leg power all the
way to the camp site. The distance is about 8km and the camp site is called Kem Agas (as the
name suggest, the area is infested with agas agas , in English -sand flies). The guild told us the
camp site is able to accommodate about 50 campers and we had expectation of a rather
comfortable and spacious site. How surprised we are when we reach it.

The track was once a logging track but over time the jungle has claimed back the track and due
to hiker and the orang asli using it regularly, it remains a small trail. By 11.30am we started our
hike and the trail was rather easy with gentle upslope but rather slippery due to wet season. All
of us make good speed and I found out the other members do not take break at all. We have
found out from conversation with some of them, their aim is the conquest of the G7 (is so called
as there is 7 mountains in peninsula that is above 7000 feets) Most of them has make many
conquest and there is 4 of them that is here for the final G7 as

Gunung Ulu Sepat is the last of the G7. They are all super fit and they sure look slim and
muscular including the 2 ladies with them. Our aim for any climb is for the pleasure of a good
hike, camping and the time to be with nature. Should there be any conquest of peaks is
incidental and not something to brag about. After an hour into the hike, my brother and me
decided to take our own break as he was not feeling very well for he has not fully recovered
from his flu. First time in my hiking life I am stronger than him in default.

As usual, Kishen is nowhere in sight as he is with the front group and as we slough onward, I
found myself walking with a KL fella by the name Collin. He asked me what is there for us in
hiking and camping when we can have the comfort of home with Astro and beer served by his
wife. He has climbed so many mountains and yet he is asking because he has not yet found the
answer. He said whenever he is finished with one mountain and back home, he will start having
the urge to go again. I told him I have the same calling and urge and to me hiking, camping and
to be with nature is my way of feeding my soul. Some people may go shopping, go overseas for
holiday or do whatever they want to satisfy the soul. To me, this is what I love doing and it is
satisfying. He agreed with me and from that moment onward, we became soul brother.

We came to a river side and found the whole group had stopped for lunch and Francis, (we
become whisky brother later) from Kuantan with his GPS came in later and say we have walked
4.8km and ascend 800 meter above sea level. He reckoned that we have another 5.2km and
ascend of 200 meter (camp site is at 1000 meter) only and it should be a gentle slope only. The
trouble with the mountain and jungle is they don’t go in straight line but up and down and we
could be going up 300 meter and down another 300 meter again and we are back to square one.
Immediately after lunch, we had the first river crossing and everyone just plunge in and walk
through the river except Collin. He picks his way gingerly by stepping and jumping over the rock
and boulders and was happy to keep his shoe and sock dry. Unknown to him, the second river
crossing is just a few minutes away and this time there is no boulders over the river for him to
skip and he reluctantly wet his shoes. Tough luck to my soul brother. Immediately after the 2nd
river crossing, as expected the mountain ascent steeply and we know it’s not going to be a stroll
in the park. On and on we go, up and down and suddenly without expecting to reach the
campsite, I found people putting up tent and they are from our group.

It’s only 4pm and found my son; kishen, Frank & Wun already have our two tents set up. When
Francis came in with his GPS, he said the GPS reading from the starting point to campsite should
be 10km but is actually only 7km plus. Technology too got their weakness as they did not know
the Malaysia bolih short cut. The campsite that is supposedly able to accommodate 50 people as
promised is simply a small space by the river and to put in 50 people, I think 20 peoples must
stay on top the trees or has to clear the jungle. There was chaos as so called engineer try to set
up tents and overhead sheet all over the place in such a confined area. Suggestion and ideas can
be heard above the entire din and amidst the chaos; the campsite finally appeared quite orderly
and practical. Mosquito’s coils were lighted up around the campsite and yet those flies still
appear. With the tent set up, most of the campers went for the river to bath and wash the dirt
and grimes and to rinse our sweaty clothing. Yours truly went in and has to scream and shout
out the coldness of the water. It took a while to get used to the very cold water and while
toweling, I started shivering from the chill.

Dinner was supposed to be army ration, but since we were early, we decided to cook what was
planned for tomorrow dinner today. We are going to have “soup Mee Hoon Kueh”. Kishen
kneaded the flour and soon we have the water boiling and the sky opened up and started
raining. It rained quite heavily and all those so called engineer that built the overhead sheet
came out in the rain to inspect their work to repair or remedied their work as the water started
seeping from all over the place. We had a surprised as the tents that we borrowed from Gan,
turned out to be the tent that eng pow gave away to him as it was leaking and he loaned us the

tent that Eng Pow gave it to him. Kishen & Frank using that tent has to content with the leak if it
rains all night long. However the rain was a blessing because it drove away the flies. We have to
trade one irritating & painful nuisance for another discomforting wetness. Fortunately after
about 30 minutes the rain stopped but by then the ground become rather wet and soggy.
Dinner was ready and we quickly tucked it in while it was hot and it warmed us up from within
making us very comfortable and satisfied. Wun, my golf buddy who is camping for the first time
with me (he is no green horn himself as he has Gunung Tahan conquest to his name) quickly
washed up the utensils and we can relaxed for the rest of the night.

Coffee was made to while away and we watch the next door camper cooking their dinner. They
seem to be making a feast in the jungle which once upon a time when we were younger we will
do that but today we have become lazier and we just have the basic food. When our neighbors
have finished their dinner, whisky was brought out. I had 2 canister of 5oz stuff and I started on
my canister and pass it round. In a short while it was emptied and Francis brought 2 small
bottles and that too vanished into thin air. Collin took out another 8oz plastic bottle of whisky
and that was consumed up in no time. Francis then show us his 2/3 bottle of gold label but it
was only for tomorrow night to celebrate reaching the peak. Woh, which is good stuff and we
better, be his whisky brother so as to be included in his celebration. That is how we become
whisky brother. I kept my 2nd canister for the next night. With the ration for the night gone,
what else to do? We can’t be holding hand and sucking thumb, so the best thing to do is to sleep.
Sleep came easily when you have some alcohol in your system and the night become rather cold.

All woke up at 6am and swiftly had a pot of water boiling to warm up our breakfast ration and
tea was made. By 8am we were all ready for the assault to the peak and be back to the campsite
but the others was not ready and we only took of at around 8.30am. The distance is about 4km
but was informed its all upslope. We had to cross the very stream that was beside our campsite
and we had to start the hike with soaked boots. The hike was like climbing Batu cave’s step
multiplies by a few hundred times. All the fast climbers soon disappear from my view. Eng Pow
has recovered and is no where to be seen. Kishen, Frank and Wun too have gone up way ahead.
I found myself alone most of the time but had the consolation of knowing that there is about 5
slower climbers behind me. Telling myself that I am not that weak and determined not to be
overtake by them. I then came to a part where it’s like a swampy path and our feet will sink up

to our ankle in blackish muddy liquid and here I become part tarzan holding on to small trees
and scrubs to swing from side to side to avoid stepping on the mud and me wearing glove helps
a lot in gripping those rough wood. No amount or tarzaning can prevent stepping into the mud
as there is many areas where you simply could not find solid foot hold and I ended up with my
boots caked in blackish mud and it smell funny. By now I am around 1800 meter asl and the
wind is blowing hard and cold and I had to put on my rain coat but the feet being wet is feeling
numb from cold. My hand too started to feel numb and I recalled when I was in Gunung
Kinabalu, I had a hiking mate whose hand remained warm when mine was freezing cold. I would
hold the hand and enjoyed the warmness and I really missed that hand. I wish she was here for
the climb so that I can have that mobile heater with me. Wei Mee, I missed you. ]

It was past 1pm when I reached the peak and the rest of the front climbers were all there. They
have almost finished their lunch and some was making hot drinks. Peter Chan was kind to share
with me his hot tea and that hot drinks is the best drinks in such a cold place. I quickly take my
lunch and group picture was taken and most of them wanted to go down due to the cold
freezing wind and could not wait any longer for the stragglers.


I have taken more than 4 hours to reach the peak and going down is not going to be easy too, as
the muddy stretch still need to be crossed and due to the rains, the treks and roots are all
slippery. We have to use utmost caution in descending as any slip or trips will end up rolling

down the slope causing serious injury with broken arms and legs if not, broken head. Step by
step we gingerly picked our way down and the journey backed to the campsite took me almost 4
hours too. Upon reaching the river beside the camp, I soaked in it for a long while to wash away
all the dirt and to clean up my shoes before the mud dried and caked up. It was awesome climb
with plenty of technical areas but thanks god all came back safely. The last stragglers came back
before 7pm.

We see other campers preparing their dinner and we just simply lepak as we are not doing any
cooking. It is so convenient having army ration and it saved us time and they consist of sufficient
calories for our needs. Mind you, those foods are rather tasty and nice to our palate. Our fellow
campers were amazed that our rations have condensed milk in toothpaste type of packing. We
soon had our dinner and being a rice eater, we watch with salivated mouth when we saw Venu
frying pork to be eaten with rice. It’s been a while we had not have any rice. When he offered us
his extra rice with his japan imported pork, we quickly say thank you and gulped it down before
he can finished saying haleluya. We admired Venu camping gear and equipments as it has the
latest technology, even his cooking and eating set is all titanium makes.

Now it is time for the celebration gold label and we sat in a circle. I started the celebration with
my 2nd canister and pass it around. Kishen, who don’t like alcoholic drink, sat in the circle too
and partake in the session with Frank. Eng Pow and Wun remained in the tent having their own
conversation. Gold label was finally bought out and we savor the liquid as it is make of gold. It’s
a wonderful drinks and halfway through the stuff, Venu wants to take a mouthful to exchange
with the guilds for a special cigarettes. He came back with the special stuff that is ''Rokok Daun'' as it helps with the cold!. He smoked and passed it around like you see those addicts do it behind your back lane. I only took 2 small puffs as I do not want to be caught with a sore throat and feel bad for the rest of the day ahead. All too soon we polished off the bottle and as the night was still young, we now have to be contented
with coffee. With whisky and "Special Cigarettes", all of us become very relax and carefree. We talked and
joked like we have known each other our whole life. It was a very enjoyable night and we finally
break up as it was already past midnight and we need the rest as we have a good 6 to 7 hours of
hiking to do the next day.

It was easy going all the way back and we reach the logging trails by noon, and had lunch on the
logging track. We gave our tough and durable plastic army spoon to Collin as he was using the
normal take away plastic spoon which breaks easily. We still have about 20 minutes walk to the
4 wheel drive pick up point and when we reach there, it started to drizzle.

Upon reaching the Gerik, Police Station, farewell to one another was made; telephone numbers
was exchanged and promises was make to call whenever we are in each other town.

We decided to stay another night in Gerik as it’s a long drive and we are all too tired to make an
overnight drive. Dinner was steamed fish; curry wild boar meat, fried deer meat and 2 vege. We
all ate double helping of rice and it seems we cannot eat enough. We must have been famished
after 3 days of army foods that make us all seems like hungry ghost. After dinner we had some
Guinness stout as a way to mark the end of the trip.

In conclusion, I wish to thanks my soul brother, Collin, the whisky brothers, Francis & Venu and
the Penang chap, Peter Chan for the wonderful and interesting company. I am happy, Kishen has
become a mature and experience hiker despite his young age and introducing this activity to his
friend, Frank, who declared he enjoyed it so much and would like to be included in future trip.
Eng Pow, Wun and myself, whom all are already in our 50’s still enjoyed this strenuous activity
and with blessing from the almighty, may we remained in good health and by keeping ourselves
fit and strong, we would still have decade to enjoy such trips to be with nature.

May we again and again “Take it to the Limit” and “See You At The Top”

Chee Eng Hooi

Saturday, 10 September 2011

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Sunday, 4 September 2011

Gunung Ulu Sepat, last of my G7

After approximately two years ago, where a challenge was considered to climb Peninsular Malaysia's 7 highest peaks above 2000 meters, which is more affectionately known as G7, Gunung Ulu Sepat is the last of the G7 to be completed.

Group Photo Before the Hike
This trip is blessed with a mixture of a few fellow hikers who we met for the 1st time on my 1st trip, to Gunung Tahan,  since this challenge were mooted , Nada, Chris , Venu, Rothmans and Peter, were there too. Those had too pulled out were Kian Chong and friends, Ah fatt and Ah Siong, as well as our Friend , Henry. It was unfortunate , due to complications of medical nature, have not been that, Henry would have joined us, myself and  Venu, to have completed the G7 together.  

Boat Ride En route to Kick Off Point

Van Transfer to the Lake Temenggor Jeti
It has been raining all the way from KL to Gerik. Traffic was light for the trip starting 25th/ Aug. The exodus of balik kampung does not seems to be starting yet. This made our journey quite 'light and easy'. We started a bit early in the afternoon around 2pm for a slow drive up north, with a coffee and toilet break in between, we estimate a 4-5 hrs journey, through the highway and quite scenic trunk road from Kuala Kangsar all the way to Gerik.

Personally, it was an exciting excursion in the drive itself, as this is the 1st time i am heading to this part of the country.Ever since taking this challenge, we have visited some very interesting places that normally , would not have considered nor ,like me, even known these places existed. Being a self confess 'Jakun' or 'blur-blur' when it comes to mountaineering or hiking, a lot of times we have to pick up tips and advice from seasoned hikers on what to do, how to do, gears to prepare and items that are must haves. Also thrown in were a heavy dose of 'pantang larangs'.......thought some are heeded , some are taken with a pinch of salt.......
My Trusty 'Vietnamese' Deuter has been throught all G7 + more, with bent frame and all since Chamar trip.

off  we go......with Nada and Chris......      
The trail has a good mixture of everything the other G6 could offer, with the extra boat ride thrown in. Of course this is a more preferred mode of transport compare to Chamar....which in itself is another story....
Our 1st rest / lunch stop about 2hrs later

Plenty of HUGE TREES......

Lunch delicacies for some....

Dense jungle....

among one of the river crossings......
It was a cloudy day , a cooling day after a previous down pour. This gave  the start up a nice mood and very soon , about 4hrs later , we were at the camp site.
Alvin.. at the camp site...

Camp site.....

refugee camp.......

Camp site......    
Camp Agas , a self explanatory camp site name..... but i think its reputation exceeds itself..... Most Hikers will be prepared and expect and to encounter the pest on all camp sites by the river, and would have brought 'weapons' to counter act its menace. Precautions are taken , the sand flies problems are manageable and can be controlled , to a certain extend , that we may be quite comfortable and able to relax by the riverside. Most of us will attest to this principle and i think this has made our stay here quite pleasant.

Our stay at Camp Agas  is for 2 nights and day pack to the peak on the 2nd day. Our group of 21+guides has taken up most of the space in camp agas and we were worried on the camp site on the peak might not be able to accommodate our group, not to mention we were quite comfortable where we are and the thought of breaking camp and to bring additional water ration to the summit dreaded our decisions... so.... it should be so.

Final petrol top up and engine check before the assault to summit.....Vertical climb all the way!! Notice the plastic bag hair......>_<

Psych up our self for the final launch........>_< real jokers......

View from along the way....

View along the way......  one more hr to go....

Guardian angle......

Kacip Fatimah!!...$$$

The Peak......
The G7 Trophy..

The reward...!!

The Gang Members.... Mafias mostly.....

Asli Kids

Huts at the post ( Rekom?)

Hut just before our camp site....

View from the lake temmengor...
1.5 hrs later from the final pit stop , we were at the summit....!! All the G7 have similarities before reaching, its mossy forest, then on the flat ridge leading is very muddy, alas destination reached.

This journey is a memorable one. As most of us always ask ourselves this question, especially when the going gets tough.... at home got all the modern amenities and your wife/husband/buy friend.girl girl to pamper you, bring you beers and peanuts, got air cons and EPL and astro, you all don't want, but prefer to come to the jungle full of mosquitoes, sand flies, leaches, bees,snakes, insects and good knows what, to suffer bites, stings, soaking wet from the rain, drink muddy water, eat can foods.....why do we still want to go through this every time??.... does it make sense ?? the pain and injuries.... are they worth it......??

Yours Truly,  Collin Traveller
These are the questions have been put to our brother Chee, from Melaka, while we catch up along the way, and i think you guys already know the answer. Its a resounding YES!!...Its worth every penny, every drop of sweat, every cuts, bruises, stings, stomach aches and what nots....and a very enjoyable time doing it as well... We may not look like Rambo fit  after every trip, in fact some of us eve put on weight, nor are we as smart as the army rangers or more claver then the monkeys, what we gain are intangibles, not physically but mentally and spiritually, as Brother Chee says, its the food for our soul... we need to feed our soul as well, not just our flash needs nourishment, our whole well being does too....>_<

Friday, 12 August 2011

Unique Way Of Life

Along the beaches on our journey to the sand dune of Muine, there are hundreds of interesting sights and sound you may experience, and these can only be had usually, if you are taking off the beaten tracks, it has left quite an impression on my outlook about this country. It is able to blend traditions with modern amenities, yet without loosing its identities, and it's not as if they just copy another culture and call it their own, but a reflection of its spirit and soul.....  

Discovery Vietnam Ride